I design and provide creative direction for all digital marketing materials, from photography to website graphics, for the Nick Box- a quarterly subscription service that sends themed boxes to subscribers every season. I love designing the marketing campaigns for each box because the themes are fun and Nickelodeon gives us a lot of creative freedom with their characters.

Campaign graphics for the fall 2018 Nick Box. The theme was "Haunted House" so I used various stock photos create a spooky scene for the Nickelodeon characters and product to live.

Campaign graphics for the spring 2019 Nick Box. The boxes theme was "Time Capsule" so I used various stock photos and a whole lot of photoshopping to make the box seem as it was buried and had just been dug up!

Campaign graphics for the winter 2018 Nick Box. The boxes theme was "What's Cookin'?" so I created a logo and used stock photos to place various Nickelodeon characters in a kitchen, waiting to see what's cookin' :P

Some product photos and a stop motion video I made for our social pages and Facebook advertisements, showcasing the Nick box and the items you get inside.